wut title???

huh? huh! huh?!?!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

i've always spent time reading other blogs, y dun i start one instead? the sudden inspiration came from reading johnny, cat & shirlyn's blog. ok ok, i admit im bored. this is my last resort............ haha. the following week would be my last working week wif my current company, CIMB. i luv this place, good pay, nice seat, comfy room, luvly ladies, dedicated colleagues, & not forgetting my aging cum botak boss, who always tries 2 be funny n blend in wif the rest of us, but still ur an uncle no matter how we look at ur belly............... oh crapz.... i'm developing one too. :( y am i leaving?? is it b'coz of my long working hours 8 2 8? or forced 2 haf lunch meetings wif existing/prospective clients even though takde mood? ok, or maybe its footing the bill part which mostly eats 1/4 of my salary? or maybe its the aunty for making my tea not the way i like it?? or maybe its the merger of my current company/investment bank wif local "BUMIPUTRA" COMMERZ BANK thus injecting a bunch of highly/over qualified MORONS into my dept under my supervision which likes 2 gif stupid excuses for going home early, coming in office late, needs 1 freaking hour of tea break, visits the loo as if its their 2nd home, tag me 1/2 dozen leech or sloth would haf move faster & accomplish alot more compared 2 these ppl. i've already gaf my best shot, i dun think it'll work here for me. for those who stick wif me for the past 2 years n ur reading this, 10x for ur support for keeping up wif me. i knew im a demanding, demonic, foul mouth, bad a$$ mngr n screw u ppl senseless at times but hey, didnt i promise u guys sumthing?? do any of complained of too much bonus??? hmph! not!!! i must say, im heavy hearted 2 leave u, Erica if ur reading this. ur the tough cookie who stick wif me through thick or thin, no matter wut the working hours r. n for able 2 endure my early morning routine shouts & screams for reports & client profiles, w/o u my table, books, drawers & cupboards would be a mess. w/o u, 2 fend of unwanted phone calls, i'll be in the psychiatric ward. w/o u, there would be no one 2 buy birthday present or send greeting cards on my behalf. as im scribbling this blog, i've already secure a place for u in ipk, tats the place u always wanted 2 be since u joined CIMB rite??? :). im grateful of ur effort as my secretary, this is sumthing little i can do for u in return b4 i cabut....... oh yeah 1 more thing, seriously for the 216th time u r not FAT ok?!?!? u r just plump ..... ahahahahhahhahaaha........ sry sorry.... just joking. remember last tuesday u wore tat off shoulder tight fitting dress?? everyone including the tea lady said u look stunning!!! no joke. ok, maybe a bit meaty onda arms but not fat. end. :D


Blogger coconino said...

u r really so bored at work that u finally created a blog of ur own?? good for ya!

7:28 AM  
Blogger johnybravo said...

woi, spacing and paragraph a bit lah brother... hehehehe. Keep the bloggin spirit yeah...

6:28 PM  

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