wut title???

huh? huh! huh?!?!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


How nice 2 enjoy my semi-hols. zzz... all day long n there r no calls for meeting, n sucking up 2 clients. even im working 1/2 days, i still wake up around 7-8am. too used 2 waking up early inda morning. i'll just laze or roll around in bed reading my books till early afternoon. still hafta get off the bed coz im hungry, :P n drag my arse back 2 office.

the past few days i've been looking up my pals n friends for lunch tat i've neva seen in ages. u know lar, everyone damn bz wif their jobs n the works of their life. i was not surprise tat most of my 'kaki' r preparing for marriage or kids........*yawn*. still cant bear or imagine little tykes running circles around me n screaming at the top of their lungs. really drives me up the wall, e.g:- my neighbours' kids.

been scouting around for a new car. went for a test drive in a Mazda 6 'Zoom-Zoom"...hehe. but its kinda expensive, sama value wif a 2nd hand Beemer. but the comfort n handling of the Mazda 6 was superb n its other characteristics like ride comfort, acceleration, gadgets, accessories r on par wif a Beemer (O.o)!!! i was impress. i guess the germans really hafta buck up coz the japanese sedans r ramming into their rear n dominating every region they're penetrated so far, according 2 teh stats in Motor Traders mag. but my left side of my brain starts 2 click away, buying a brand new car=liability, n i dun need another one rite now. sigh.



Blogger Shirlyn said...

faster go n get one n let me sit on it!

6:26 PM  

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