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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

House Pets

I was kinda lazy 2 blog these days plus i dun spend much time in office too. i've been spending quality time wif my parents lately...... they've always complaining i dun spend much time wif them like not having dinner at home n blah blah blah it goes on. wen most of our parents grew old, they definitely luv 2 spend much time wif their kids, which is very true, but by the time they r retired, we're already inda the world of working preofessionals. sumtimes i find it kinda hard 2 juggle my time between family, friends(too many :P), love n our own passion.

Every1 definitely haf a pet at home. even if u didnt own or buy one, u definitely or indirectly feeding a few 'uninvited' pets. i remember wen i was much younger, okay, i was a kid then. every morning wen im at the basin 2 wash my face, there's one tiny lipas scurrying around the basin looking for sum soap or soft plastic utensils 2 chew on. i thought tat i'll swat it but its kinda cute n not in harms way so far..... i let it live. from then on, it's my basin pet!!!! each nite b4 i go to sleep, i'll scrap a small piece of soap n put it inda the basin for my pet. i had it going for a roughly a month n my oh my, tat fella sure grew. but one fateful morning, my sis came up 2 use my toilet n found my pet cockroach, she screamed, my dad came in 2 finish it off wif a rolled up "STAR" newspaper. i was sad tat day, n felt sorry for him, he didnt even haf a name yet.......

Was at ikea the other day shopping for a new lamp table n CD/DVD rack. b4 i cabut, end up in ikano pet shop. took a liking on a snake, forgotten it's breed. i like the way they slither n coil around my arm. felt n looked cool. i was bored wif my spider actually, was asking if i could trade in my current pet for a snake...hehe. spidey a.k.a. bulu-bulu at home stopped growing in size n not fun 2 play wif these days, he's just too lazy, or am i the one who influenced him??? :P i;ve always enjoy watching him hunting in its tank. he always lay a thin carpet of web on the ground 2 detect movements n heat signals within the tank. if i poke the ground wif my finger, it'll know its a human coz the vibrations, pressure n the heat signals im giving off is defintiely off scale for food his size. if i throw in a lizard, mice, or cricket, it'll slowly emerge from its underground cave or tunnels or wutever u called it, 2 confirm the movements. it'll slowly follow the prey around for awhile n learned its movements or pattern b4 pouncing on it 2 sink it's dual sharp razor fangs into the prey's skin or scales. once caught, there's no running except a few last struggle. wen the prey in jaws r dead or stop struggling, it'll start laying a layer of web on the ground, slowly puts the catch of the day on its silk patch n roll it up like a nice popiah tat i've ate earlier....ughhh. from then it'll spin more webbing 2 roll up its victim into a pill size capsule manner, sumtimes the capsule looks exactly like a rolled up weed stick.... hehe. it'll inject the wrap up capsule wif sum strong protein chemicals n melt the victim within the wrapping. after 30 mins or so, it'll inject the capsule wif its straw like mouth n start sucking up the dissolve remains inda capsule. there's once i threw in more than 5 crickets at a time, he ate one of it, killed the other 4 either for fun or for invading it's territory, wut a bitch!!!



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