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huh? huh! huh?!?!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Fish n Ant Hills Adventure!!!

midnite fishing trip....huhuhuh. about 2 leave for a fishing trip wif my buddies tonite, HOORAY!!!!, but cant find my rod. if not mistaken, i've loan it 2 my friend last year, usual scenario, he didnt returned it- !%$@#. now im gona pinjam sum1 else rod, wut goes around comes around heh heh. nasib baik coz the haze cleared up. if not plan tak jadi tonite. wonder if theres any1 whispering into my ear this time while sitting by the bank.

this is the 1st time im relating this tale of mine. this phenomenon happened 2 me last year. was at sum desolated spot in rawang, nearby an orang asli village, this lake or river, cant recall. me n my jackass friend J(supposely there's 3 of us, last fella FFK) hafta hack our way through the undergrowth 2 get there. we picked a nice spot where we could lean our back against a tree trunk. it was a dry month, tats y we decided 2 go fishing inda 1st place as the fishes r starving for food, in other words, easy catch plus they'll hunt at nite coz inda day its too hot. they gota be hungry too due to the lower hierarchy of the fauna system sure mati alot due to the heat wave. we cast our rods, lit our cigars(didnt ask him y he brought cigars) n pop my can of stout. laying under the moonlight gazing stars as the crickets chirped away, then shit happened. the sound of crickets chirping were replaced by a bunch of voices in my head. i shot straight up n ask my friend wtf. he heard nuthing n thinks tat im paranoid, hey, we didnt pot ok n im sure i heard it.....

settled down again, our rod's floating buoys dived n the rods shuddered, signs of a large fish got hooked. but wut r the chances tat 2 huge fish got hooked at the same time + our lines were cast far away from one another. we didnt think much n start railing in. our baits were devoured, so was our fishing hook, damn!!! replaced a new hook, this time we use life baits, crickets, instead of chicken meat. as we cast our line back in, my dear friend J heard it this time, conversations in his head. we were psyche. 2 make things worse, both of our crickets tat we just cast in were devoured!!! we knew coz crickets float on the surface, they dun plummet 2 the bottom like poultry meat does. tats it. we had enuff. didnt bother 2 rail in, we just cut of our line, pack our stuff n left. till today, my conclusion was, the voices n whispering we heard meant good, they were signs 2 usher us away from the lake or river. maybe sumthing mean or malicious was residing there. we were lucky 2 leave in one piece. :)

The next day after tat incident, we went termite hill hunting!!! anyone heard b4??? :) equipments for termite hill hunting adventure(2 person):- a small back pack. 3 bottles of water. 1 mini saw. 1 hammer. 1 spade. 1 pair of scissors. 2 pairs of disposable gloves.

objectives n prize??? to excavate the QUEEN ANT!!! buy WHY???

coz the queeny is a chinese grub/delicacy n an expensive one too, can be eaten raw rite on the spot, if u had the courage. u know inda movies or sum chinese med shop they sell 'em soaked in wine bottles. queeny sizes ranged from 2-3 inches, quality grade is from white(C) -> green/gold(B) -> purplish(A), exp shit, no joke. i only came upon grade A once in my life, it was caught by my friend's uncle wen we were kids tagging along wif him for his hunt.

theres 2 reasons for us 2 embark on this adv. 1st, were not gona let the fishing incident screw up our weekend mood. 2nd, J's grand dad is dying for sum queeny ants 2 go wif his brandy.

off we go early inda morning. take a hike up a suburban hill area in cheras, which's famous for termite hills. those we came over at the foot of the hill was rather new, so we left them alone n dwell further into the woods for a larger 'community' hill, heh heh. the height of the 1st hill we excavate was a few inches over my head. i let my buddy 2 haf the honour 2 bash the 1st ant hill of the day wif our almighty hammer while i use the spade 2 scrap away the debris. we were lucky, 1st hit n we found the 'throne room' where the queeny ant resides. we tot its a decoy, coz its very rare actually for the queeny's room 2 be so near the ground surface. wore my glove, n pull out the ball which hangs by a dry thread of mud from the ceiling like a chandelier, perculiar design i say, but hey, who am i 2 complain. u hafta use a blade or penknife 2 start scraping/chipping the mud away 2 retrieve the queeny. cant hack it open or simply cut in, u might accidently kill the queeny.

the 'throne room' is actually a layered shape mud ball. wen the queeny grow in size, the workers will make new outer layer 2 accomodate their queeny. from the exterior structure of the hill, i tot it'll be a big one. as 2 my understanding, a hill like tat meant the nest's network of tunnels gona be 10 metre deep/15-20 metre in diameter. but wut a let down, this queeny is only grade A. i assume tat this queeny took over this abandoned hill recently or its a successor to its mother or perhaps the lower part of network caved-in n killed the previous colony, which is highly unlikely...... the termites underground building architecture r rather amazing or should i say ingenious. for the same feat, imagine were buidling KLCC underground!!!

we located the next hill after 10 mins walk. slightly smaller than the previous one. but this colony made its home within a giant tree trunk, need not 2 travel far for their food source. this time, im having the honor of having the 1st go wif the hammer. 1st hit n voila!!! throne room again!!! such luck. but soon we discovered, the ball is hollow, decoy!!! termites r smart buggers too u know. kept on digging n shoveling, more decoys. total we had 5 or 6 decoys decoys b4 we hit the real one. we're having hard time excavating this as the tree roots prove troublesome, tats where a pair of scissors comes in handy. we really made a mess of their home, so i use the shovel 2 patch things back b4 we move on. while shoveling in the dirt, i accidentally unearthed another throne room. 2 my surprise, there's a queeny in it!!! 2 queeny sharing a colony??? the world must be crazy.... cant complain, as the world's best golfer is black, best rapper is white, NBA tallest player is chinese. he he.

we got around 10-15 queeny tat day. need not 2 worry, wen we take away their queeny, they'll appoint a new one, they haf backup successors, a termite hill will continue its operation after a day or two n they patch things up real fast too!!! unlike other ants, wen the queen goes, everything goes. there's one hill they're sharing wif a lizard n its eggs, we left tat alone. we had a good day excavating, it was fun, esp J got bitten many times, in his trousers. told him not 2 simply park his ass around. i pity him too, termite bites r worse than fire ants, coz their pincers or mandibles or.....i duno, r twice as large as the fire ants!!! :P



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