wut title???

huh? huh! huh?!?!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Kerusi Terakhir

Today would be the last day im gona chair the meeting. I used 2 envy my superior at the time wen he’s sitting at the "helm" of the table, looking grand. I remember damn well i chaired the 1st meeting after i got my promo, was more than a year ago. Then i know how suppress he is, as im inda middle management now. Pressure from above, below and exterior parties. not a comfortable seat once u tried sitting on for too long..... haha.

I guess its the pressure tat kept me striving forward 2 achieve my goals. Being best team for 2 consecutive year, best dealer, best rev generated, gross trades....... my team practically sapu all the awards n medals. Last year’s gross trade exceeds RM 2b for my 8 man team, yes average sales of RM 250m/person....... all these came wif a price, i had 2 gif up practically my family, friends & love life(usual scenario in movies too). Yeap, im an extreme workaholic who spends 24/7 inda office trying too hard. i'm satisfied of wut i've done here, did my best, achieved more than i dreamt capable of, cabut w/o regrets(happily too....) =D

I’ve collected my med report just now from HR. I’ve gained around 20Kg since i joined CIMB?!?!%^$. Ok, time 2 start my exercising routine...... hafta get pointers from Shirlyn, Johnny n Catherine. i doubt i can fit into my ol' Levi's, been sum time since i worn my fav jeans. All in all, those days in CIMB like a nut living in its shell is gone. Im gona enjoy my oncoming days, wif new adv n life again. Most of all, my new found love, Ivana Sumawi......


Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Life during lunch hour is just like watching a TV program wif a bunch of friends, single channel alone wouldn’t satisfy everyone sitting by the couch. I’m always in dilemma wen it comes 2 a time where i haf 2 decide the makan place during lunch. But once u pick a restaurant, ladies might complain the food too oily , fattening, heaty or sum arse will comment tat these days there’s lead poisoning in seafood......blah blah it goes on..... Last few months I came up wif a brilliant idea, I named it the MAKAN ROULETTE.!!! I played the Makan Roulette earlier, end up in seapark to makan chicken hor fun, nice. The stuff u need 2 make one: -

- a piece of paper (used paper, toilet paper, A4 paper...)
- a piece of dice or two. (pinched from mom’s mahjong table.....)

  • Colleagues/mates r to scribble a restaurant each in a piece of paper.(max-12)
  • Number all restaurants in an ascending manner.
  • All u need 2 do is roll the dices once/twice, according 2 the number of restaurants listed.
To spice things up, invite ur dear boss to join in n roll the dice, if he gets the double digit, he’ll buy lunch for everyone. :( but so far, wuts the probability of tat 2 occur.........ahahaha!!!!

In Midvalley last week, I bought storybook titled "A Hat Full Of Skies". Its the sequel 2 the "Wee Free Men". It was Stephanie, if i’ve not mistaken, whom intro the 1st book 2 me. Quite a good read I say. Oh!! I find the new book store named BORDERS in Times Square fascinating!!!! :) I found & bought one of the old collecter’s series of Del Rey’s Robotech & Matsuhiro Guyver series, not the reprinted versions, mind u. those were one of the very few books tat i’ve searched high & low for years...... since i wuz 15 y/o!!!!no joke!!! Not even the Internet is offering for sale of these books, rare i say. Good fictions & bibliography which i find rather expensive in stores like Kinokuniya, Times & MPH, r selling cheap in Borders. they even haf promotion counters in every corner offering good books unlike others, discount for crappy or "unwanted" books only. If it aint tat good, i wouldn’t haf spent 3 hours browsing n reading in there, i was captivated. Its a good place 2 get meet ppl too, sharing views n giving compliments for books tat u’ve read, certain individuals appreciate tat....... individuals like me!


Monday, June 27, 2005

Supposedly 2 get a haircut...

Had a bad start today. Woke up late, 6.30am. Feeling lethargic, inda morning??!?! But its ok, the meeting only starts at 10am. Shouldn’t haf watched the midnite show, Batman Begins,...... but overall its a nice movie, except for Christian Bale. I cant figure but sum how i just find tat he’s not fit for the role. As usual, the story line & plot & bad ass villains differ from the original version, comics!!! Overall 5/10 for the movie, 8/10 for the gadgets. How nice if they mass produce for sale, esp the armor n the grappling gun. could think of a dozen shit 2 pull off my friends wif tat gun. Hehehe...

My hair’s a mess, & Ivana’s making fun of it. Enough is Enufffffff!!!! Took an initiative, drove all the way 2 the club house 2 get a hair cut during lunch hour. The barber shop was closed, wif the sign saying, "IM AT DR. MAHATHIR’s RESIDENCE". Well, 2 be Dr. Mahathir’s personal barber for a many years its an honor 2 him. But i always wonder n wanted 2 blurt out this question, how much or did he ever pay for a hair cut ??? Haha. Last month I was sitting next 2 our current PM, Badawi inda same shop. A gentlemen i say, stepping in line like everyone does waiting for his turn 2 get his hair trim, mind u not much hair left. :P nice chap i say, polite n pleasant 2 chat wif.

My jackass bud, Richard, just called me up!!!! He bought him self a Darth Vader mask wif voice alternator n Light Saber in One Utama~~ Aaarrrggghhhh!!!!!! 1:1 scale exact replicas of Darth Vader’s light saber, wif the lighting n sound effects(Swooosh – Swissshh!!ngngngngng!!) ~~ Aaarrrggghhh(X2)!!!!! For the price of these 2 items i could get my self a new set of wheels for my car. Aaarrrggghhhhh(X3)!!!!!! I dun care, after work im running over to his place...... May the FORCE be wif me......as i will pry the light saber from his grip......


Pics from the opening of Star Wars in GSC!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Lazy Saturday...

Just woke up around 3pm, 10x 2 my bud for the wake up call for lunch. :( i normally spend my saturdays' in office but today's an exception. felt weird 2 be in bed at such hours. :/ maybe after lunch i'll go lepak at cyber cafe for a game or two.

Last nite went for the Mr. n Mrs Smith midnite show. A. Jolie was HOT!!!! i find B. Pitt a little kayu in this movie though. overall, i gif 6/10 for the movie. was looking forward 2 watch Initial D. according 2 my buds, the movie was hilarious!!! didnt expect it. i believe no one else could portray Takumi Fujiwara's character like Jay Chou did, more kayu expression n acting performance, haha.

Didn't went sepang for the GT race, slept around 5 am last nite. after the movie went for a drink wif my lady. i was shock she called me around 10am this morning asking me 2 go for the race. didnt expect her 2 wake up tat early!!! end up she went wif her friends. she called me while im having my hot shower n told me the cars n crowd were great, so were the GT race queens, damn..........

Friday, June 24, 2005

Pening Lalat

Actually dun feel like coming in today for work. Pagi pagi woke up already sakit kepala. i dun think its the 2 pints of sake i consume last nite, but the ppl tat i've just dealt wif earlier, a german wif a heavy accent n bad BO ...... achtung!!! oblige 2 to do so, sigh. its really hard 2 understand a complete sentence tats comes from him esp they mix wif their own jargons n german gibberish. if i dun go, im sure calls would be coming in thru my h/p, so wuts the difference? N i'll get screwed in the end of the day? Come 2 think of it after tat meeting, i prefer the latter......

I neva took a single leave for like, wut??? 2 years+, even wen im sick, ok, except tat denggi case & the "MIA after crazy Thursday’ nite. my ever so kind hearted boss even bought a sofa bed from ikea so we could sleep inda office wen such 'situations' arise, like hangover, fever or shit happens, how ‘thoughful’ can he be. Hmph..... ;/

Its Friday nite. I still got no plans. My lady is having her hair fix/cut/steam/wash/dye....... n maybe sumthing i left out or didnt mention im sorry, while im moping here inda office till she’s done. I’ve been packing my files, toys, docs, books, more toys, papers, certs, even more toys n digging into each drawers to 2 retrieve my belongings the whole evening. Dunwan 2 end up leaving anything behind wen the day comes. To my surprise, while packing my stuff, i found pens in every nook n corner, at least a dozen i say.

Each day im sure 2 make a mess of my table, worse, my vicinity. After packing my stuff, i just realize tat it is alot of work. Cleaning after me isnt easy, i say. I do appreciate the aunty n Erica for their patience. Wait a minute..... there’s sumthing in my cup of tea...... taste weird. dun think shes trying 2 get back at me does she.....i mean ?!?!?!?! ummm.....

AAAAaaaaAAaaaRRRRRgggghhHHhhhhh.................. :X

Thursday, June 23, 2005

i've always spent time reading other blogs, y dun i start one instead? the sudden inspiration came from reading johnny, cat & shirlyn's blog. ok ok, i admit im bored. this is my last resort............ haha. the following week would be my last working week wif my current company, CIMB. i luv this place, good pay, nice seat, comfy room, luvly ladies, dedicated colleagues, & not forgetting my aging cum botak boss, who always tries 2 be funny n blend in wif the rest of us, but still ur an uncle no matter how we look at ur belly............... oh crapz.... i'm developing one too. :( y am i leaving?? is it b'coz of my long working hours 8 2 8? or forced 2 haf lunch meetings wif existing/prospective clients even though takde mood? ok, or maybe its footing the bill part which mostly eats 1/4 of my salary? or maybe its the aunty for making my tea not the way i like it?? or maybe its the merger of my current company/investment bank wif local "BUMIPUTRA" COMMERZ BANK thus injecting a bunch of highly/over qualified MORONS into my dept under my supervision which likes 2 gif stupid excuses for going home early, coming in office late, needs 1 freaking hour of tea break, visits the loo as if its their 2nd home, tag me 1/2 dozen leech or sloth would haf move faster & accomplish alot more compared 2 these ppl. i've already gaf my best shot, i dun think it'll work here for me. for those who stick wif me for the past 2 years n ur reading this, 10x for ur support for keeping up wif me. i knew im a demanding, demonic, foul mouth, bad a$$ mngr n screw u ppl senseless at times but hey, didnt i promise u guys sumthing?? do any of complained of too much bonus??? hmph! not!!! i must say, im heavy hearted 2 leave u, Erica if ur reading this. ur the tough cookie who stick wif me through thick or thin, no matter wut the working hours r. n for able 2 endure my early morning routine shouts & screams for reports & client profiles, w/o u my table, books, drawers & cupboards would be a mess. w/o u, 2 fend of unwanted phone calls, i'll be in the psychiatric ward. w/o u, there would be no one 2 buy birthday present or send greeting cards on my behalf. as im scribbling this blog, i've already secure a place for u in ipk, tats the place u always wanted 2 be since u joined CIMB rite??? :). im grateful of ur effort as my secretary, this is sumthing little i can do for u in return b4 i cabut....... oh yeah 1 more thing, seriously for the 216th time u r not FAT ok?!?!? u r just plump ..... ahahahahhahhahaaha........ sry sorry.... just joking. remember last tuesday u wore tat off shoulder tight fitting dress?? everyone including the tea lady said u look stunning!!! no joke. ok, maybe a bit meaty onda arms but not fat. end. :D